The new 2022-2023 academic year began with the “Lesson of Independence”. The lecture was delivered by the honored teachers of our department, Professor Akhmedova M.D. and associate professor Magzumov Kh.B. It was attended by 5th year students of the 1st and 2nd medical faculties, professors and teachers, as well as all interested employees of the clinic.
We began our independence lesson by remembering the achievements our country has made over the past 31 years. During this short period, our country has achieved great success not only in domestic but also in foreign policy. Broad paths are open for talented youth. There have been many changes in the state infrastructure. The volume of the gross domestic product of the society increased several times.
Speaking about the independence of our country, it is impossible not to tell about the history of our department in which we work. Our department has a long history. Many associate professors, professors and scientists worked here. It is no exaggeration to say that their scientific research has fundamentally changed the science of infectious diseases.
After such an interesting lecture, the students felt great interest, a sense of pride, and they had many questions. Having received exhaustive answers to questions from experienced teachers, they divided into groups and went to their classrooms to continue clinical studies in the spirit of patriotism.