The 2nd stage of the competition “Student of the Year TMA 2021” of the Student Scientific Society (SSS) was held. This stage was divided into 8 branches and in 6 of them under the guidance of associate professor of our department Tashpulatova Sh.A. participated student of the 505 group of the medical and pedagogical faculty Islamjan Nutfullaev on the topic “The course of hepatitis D in pregnant women in accordance with the trimesters.”

The conference was held in the conference hall of the 9th building of TMA. It was attended by teachers, participants from the departments of Propedeutics of Internal Diseases, Internal Diseases No. 2 and 3, Faculty and Hospital Therapy, as well as interested listeners.

Student Nutfullaev Islamjon presented his research work in the form of highly qualified, beautiful slides. He had a series of questions from stakeholders and teachers and answered all questions in detail based on evidence.

The conference was very interesting and informative. Students, including our student Nutfullaev Islamjon, also won prizes and were awarded certificates and souvenirs.

Program of the 2nd round of SSS (UZ)