Assosiated professor,
candidate of medical sciences
- 1974-1980 – Tashkent State Medical institute, The student.
- 1984-1987 – Scientific research institute Epidemiologii, microbiology, infectious diseases of Ministry of Health of Republic Uzbekistan, the internal post-graduate student on a speciality “Infectious disease”.
Business activity:
- 1974-1980 – the student Tashkent State medical Institute
- 1978-1980 – the nurse of 1-railway hospital on duty
- 1980-1984 – assistant to chair Epidemiologii of the Tashkent State medical institute
- 1984-1987 – post-graduate student of Scientific research institute Epidemiologii, microbiology and infectious diseases of Ministry of Health of Republic Uzbekistan
- 1987-1993 – the younger research assistant of Scientific research institute Epidemiologii, microbiology and infectious diseases of Ministry of Health of Republic Uzbekistan
- 1993-1994 – the attending physician of clinic of Scientific research institute Epidemiologii, microbiology and infectious diseases of Ministry of Health of Republic Uzbekistan
- 1994-2000 – the senior research assistant of Scientific research institute Epidemiologii, microbiology and infectious diseases of Ministry of Health of Republic Uzbekistan.
- 2002-2003 – managing branch of clinic of Scientific research institute Epidemiologii, microbiology and infectious diseases of Ministry of Health of Republic Uzbekistan.
- The leading research assistant of Scientific research institute Epidemiologii, microbiology and infectious diseases of Ministry of Health of Republic Uzbekistan.
- 2003-2004 – the scientific secretary of Scientific research institute Epidemiologii, microbiology and infectious diseases of Ministry of Health of Republic Uzbekistan.
- 2004-2005 – the assistant to chair of Infectious-tropical illnesses of the Tashkent State second medical institute.
- 2006-2008 – the head of the grant-and-9-384 of Scientific research institute Epidemiologii, microbiology and infectious diseases of Ministry of Health of Republic Uzbekistan.
- With 2005 on the present – the senior lecturer of chair of Infectious and children’s infectious diseases of the Tashkent medical academy.
Scientific activity:
In 1992 in the city of Alma-ata has protected the master’s thesis on a theme «Studying of clinical and immune features primary and repeated brucellosis»
The basic practical directions:
Sharp intestinal an infection, virus hepatitises, brucellosis and intestinal parazitozi.
The cores scientific a direction:
Studying of clinical and immune aspects, treatments brucellosis and acute enteric infections.
Awards: it is not awarded
The published proceedings:
The Comparative estimation of value of action of preparations some an antigene in Immunity of the fermental diagnostics antibodies in a dysentery. Medical magazine of Uzbekistan, №2, 1990, page 31-33.
Studying action of low intensive laser radiation on brucellosis in conditions in vitro. Magazine: «the Infection, immunity and pharmacology». № 1, 2004, page. 125-127.
Modern approaches to therapy brucellosis. Magazine: the Infection, immunity and pharmacology. № 1, 2004, page 127-131.
Kliniko-pathogenetic values of a specific antigene brucellosis and immune “komplementov” at brucellosis infections. Magazine: the Infection, immunity and pharmacology. № 2, 2004, page 81-83.
Studying action of low intensive laser radiation on brucellosis in conditions in vivo. Magazine: the Infection, immunity and pharmacology. № 2, 2004, page 95-98.
Results Clinic treatment supervision of various clinical forms brucellosis, cured by an intravascular laser irradiation of blood. Magazine: «the Infection, immunity and pharmacology» №6, 2006, page 58-59.
Clinical efficiency of “doxycycline” and «rimfametoprima» at brucellosis. Magazine: «the Infection, immunity and pharmacology» № 6, 2006 page 16-20.
About a condition activator allocation brucellosis in republics Uzbekistan Zhurnal: «the Bulletin of the doctor» №2, 2007, page 74-76.
“Ragosin” in complex treatment of parasitic patients. Magazine: «Theoretical and clinical medicine» №2, 2009 , page 47-51.
Influence «immunomodulytorov» on a clinical current «parazitozov» Magazine: «Theoretical and clinical medicine» №2, 2009, page 55-58.
Sensitivity Studying to antibiotics of activators brucellosis allocated in The epidemic the Republic Uzbekistan centres. Magazine: «biology and medicine Problems» №3, 2009, page 111-116
“Gozalidon” in therapy brucellosis. Magazine: «the Infection, immunity and pharmacology» № 4-5, 2011, page. 130-135.
The “Kliniko -pathogenetic importance “With” – jet fiber in development of a sharp phase of an inflammation at a bacterial dysentery. Magazine: «Theoretical and clinical medicine» №1, 2013, page 111-113.
Etiotropnaja therapy бруцеллёза (the literature Review). Magazine of an infectious pathology (quarterly scientifically-practical magazine), Irkutsk, on June, 5-6th 2014года, volume 21, №1-2. Page 28-32.
Article in the Uzbek language “Brutsellyoz hastaligida oshqozon-ichak tizimining jarohatlanishi va uni davolash usuli”. Magazine:« the Infection, immunity and pharmacology »№3, 2015, page., 160-164.
Article in the Uzbek language «HCV-infektsijali jigar tserrozi pivojlanishida immune gemanologik statusning orni». Magazine: «the Infection, immunity and pharmacology». Special release. A part 1. 7/2016. Page 64-67.
«Changes in action of the heart at chronic virus hepatitises» ISSN 2072-0297. The YOUNG SCIENTIST. The international scientific magazine September, 37th (171), 2017. Page 42-44, Kazan, Russia.
The Modern clinical current «parotatnoi» a virus infection at adults. ISSN 2072-297 YOUNG SCIENTIST. The international scientific magazine 38 (172), September, 2017. Page 47-49, Kazan, Russia.
Indicators of fibers of a sharp phase of an inflammation at patients brucellosis . ISSN 2072-0297. The YOUNG SCIENTIST. The international scientific magazine 39 (173), September, 2017. Page 11-14, Kazan, Russia.
Methodical recommendations, methodical the grant and patents:
In the Uzbek language “Brutsellyozni faol aniqlash ishlarini tashkillashtirish boyisha uslubiy tavsiynoma”, 20 page.Tashkent-2013
The Way of treatment of patients with the diagnosis brucellosis. The decision of the state patent expert examination (the state patent department of republic Uzbekistan), I. NDR. 96007861. Dates of giving of the demand – of 22.08.96 the Decision positive from 18.07.97
The Program for diagnostics and a choice of tactics of treatment brucellosis the Decision on official registration of programs for the Electronic Computer (the state patent department of republic of Uzbekistan), DGU 20090190. Date of giving of the demand – of 11/30/2009 year the Decision positive from 12/18/2009 of year.
Educational, methodical grants:
Early and differential diagnostics of infectious diseases proceeding with a jaundice syndrome. The educational, methodical grant, Tashkent-2011, 58 page.
Early and differential diagnostics of infectious diseases proceeding with a syndrome «ekzantema». The educational, methodical grant, Tashkent-2012., 72 page.