On December 3, 2019, at the 3-student hostel of TMA employees of the Department of Infectious and Pediatric Infectious Diseases and the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology held an event dedicated to December 1 – AIDS Day.
The event was attended by: the head of the magistracy department A.A. Imamov, responsible for the spiritual and educational work of the magistracy P.N. Fayziboev, Head of the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology, MD, professor Nuruzova Z.A. ass. Dzhuraeva Z.B., assistant of the department of infectious and pediatric infectious diseases Anvarov J.A. and 65 graduate students.
The head of the magistracy department A.A. Imamov informed about the order of the event and gave the speech to Professor Z. A. Nuruzova. The head of the department of microbiology, virology and immunology Z.N. Nuruzova said that HIV infection is one of the most urgent problems of our time, and there are several hypotheses about the origin of the disease. She also explained to the masters that the virus is a mutagenic virus that forms billions of new viruses during its replication. After that, the assistant of the department of infectious and pediatric infectious diseases J.A. Anvarov gave information on the main clinical signs of HIV infection and disease symptoms in accordance with the current classification. He also provided information on the diagnosis and postexposure prophylaxis of HIV infection.
During the event, interactive quizzes with graduates were held. The master students who gave the correct answers to the questions were presented with gifts. After receiving the information, students asked questions. The question and answer were intense.
At the end of the event P.N. Faybiboev thanked the organizers and guests of the event.